Cataract Surgery Recovery & Tips to Improve Healing
Cataracts are a common eye condition, and although they can develop at any time, they are most often associated with older patients. The condition occurs when there are changes to the proteins within the natural lens of the eye that cause them to clump together. This causes cloudy patches which then appear in the patient’s vision. Sadly, there’s no cure, but there is treatment – cataract surgery.
Cataract surgery is common and extremely safe. It has excellent results and can restore not only the vision but also the quality of life of patients who undergo the procedure.
What to expect after your cataract surgery?
It can take several weeks for patients who undergo cataract surgery to adjust to their new, artificial lenses. During that time, you should know what to expect.
Some of the things that you may experience include:
- Hypersensitivity to light
- Clouded vision
- Redness in the white part of the eye
- Dry eye sensation and symptoms
- Irritation and soreness
- Some mild visual disturbances that should settle down quickly over the coming days
Dr. Ahdoot will talk to you in more detail about what to expect from your surgery during your consultation appointment.

Tips for healing after cataract surgery
After cataract surgery, it can take some time for your eyes to feel as though they are back to normal. During this time, it’s important that you follow the instructions provided by our cataract surgeon, as these will ensure you make a swift and successful recovery. Here are some of the ways that you can support the healing process and recover more quickly following your surgery.
Don’t touch your eyes
After surgery, it can be tempting to touch your eyes to try and relieve any discomfort or irritation that you may be experiencing. However, it is important not to do this. Even when we think that our hands are clean, there is a risk of transmitting bacteria and other harmful microorganisms to them, which can then cause infection and even viral illnesses. Try and avoid touching your eyes as much as you can and you will reduce your risk of complications and improve the rate at which your eyes will heal.
Take medications as directed
When you leave after your cataract surgery, our eye doctor will likely prescribe medications to help with the healing process and to reduce the risk of infection. These can include anti-inflammatories and antibiotics. Whatever medications you have been prescribed; it is essential that you take these exactly as directed by our eye doctor and surgical team. They will help to lower the chances of developing an infection and improve the overall healing process. If you have any concerns about your medications, speak to your eye doctor before you stop taking them.
Avoid facial cosmetics
As well as coming in for your surgery with a completely bare face, our eye doctor will recommend that you avoid wearing any cosmetics on your face for at least a week following your procedure. This includes moisturizers and topical medications for the face. Our cataract surgeon will also advise you to avoid getting water in your eyes when showering or washing your hair for at least a week too since the products that you use could irritate your healing eyes.
Stay out of the pool
If you enjoy swimming, you’ll need to take a break while your eyes heal. Even personal pools can contain bacteria and harsh chemicals which could irritate your eyes and cause problems with the healing process. Goggles will cause a vacuum that could hurt your eyes too, so avoid all water activities including swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, windsurfing, sailing and even using a hot tub, until you are given the go-ahead by our cataract surgeon.
Protect your eyes from harm
It may sound obvious, but your eyes will need additional protection while they heal. Some eye hazards aren’t obvious, so you’ll have to give careful consideration to your environment at all times. For example, if it is windy or dusty, without eye protection, particles could blow into your eyes and become lodged, putting you at risk of infection and other complications. The sun emits harmful rays all year round, so make sure that you wear sunglasses to keep your eyes safe. If you suffer from allergies, take allergy medications, and do whatever you can to avoid your allergy triggers.
If you have concerns, speak to Progressive Ophthalmology
Our cataract surgeon’s commitment doesn’t end when you leave your procedure. If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of the healing process, don’t hesitate to ask for advice!
For more information about recovering following cataract surgery and tips to help you heal, call 718-565-2020 today!